
Cleaning like the Champs

If you’re a mother of a nutty toddler or perhaps even a group of adorable troublemakers, you’ve probably gotten used to a chaotic household with every item in it having some sort of stain. So when I was asked by Champion Cleaners if I’d like my stroller professionally cleaned before my number two arrives, I not only jumped at the offer, I asked if I could pop into the factory to watch. Yes, mamas, it was as good as it sounds.   Walking around the factory as everything got fixed, cleaned, pressed and organized was like a play date in an alternative universe where everything functioned in reverse and came out without applesauce on its face.   And yes, the stroller! My mush and I had spent the morning decorating it with markers, mustard, honey and all sorts of gucky condiments - after all, we had to see if they really could clean like...

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Skincare from the Farm to the Pram

They’re back. The stretch marks. That odd brown line with a name I can never remember – Linea Nigra (ok I may have googled it). And how can I not mention those bursts of red capillaries, which always make me think of tiny little fireworks announcing to the world I’m pregnant?   All these memorable pregnancy marks, which serve to remind me that my skin has a life of its own thanks to an insane amount of hormonal changes and increased blood circulation. Of course this isn’t my first time hosting another human being. You’d think the second time around I’d welcome the marks like a badge of honor, or appreciate the random artistry behind their capillaries much like a Jackson Pollack. But I still don’t.   In fact, similar to my first pregnancy, it was the first sign of chaos breaking out on my skin that reminded me it was high time to...

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