Here We Go Again

For months, my life has been dominated by nausea. And before you think it, yes I’ve tried crackers, ginger and all sorts of natural and/or medical remedies. Yes, I know I’m blessed to be having a baby. No, vomiting does not make the nausea any better.   There’s nothing more frustrating than fulfilling that pissed off pregnant woman stereotype, however, when you’re vomiting anywhere from ten to 30 times a day and taking naps on the bathroom floor, it’s hard not to. And as lovely as it is for someone to empathize by relaying a story about that one weekend they had food poisoning, when you spend months getting awoken by vomit coming out of your mouth before the sun has risen, it’s a whole different ball game.   It can be hard to relate, I get it. Even I’d kind of forgotten the challenges of whipping up a bun in the oven after...

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The Manic Miracle

How many times have we heard parents gush about nothing being as miraculous as the first time they held their baby in their arms?   I waited for that moment so anxiously I was starving for it. As soon as the doctor got sight of my little man during delivery, I reached down and stroked his hair to let him know mama was there and waiting to get her hands on him.   I was, of course, as high as a kite, having proudly taken so much gas and air and then an epidural, that I could snap away selfies and crack jokes between pushes. We cheered when our doc announced my munchkin had arrived looking healthy. We counted ten fingers and ten toes and my hubby cut the cord just like we had practiced…  Then the BIG moment arrived!   They placed my son on my chest and I looked down to find a grayish...

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