pregnancy Tag

Oops… I did it again.

I’m ballooning. Eating my feelings. Freaking out. The sleepless nights are all too common. Oh and have I mentioned I’m panicking? I’m panicking.   Everyone keeps telling me how the second time around the parenting merry-go-round everything is that much easier. Yes, I haven’t been worrying about things like having too much caffeine, forgetting to take my folic acid or accidentally bumping my bump like the first time around… nah, none of the cute first-timer stuff. But this time, the ride wasn’t just choppy – at times, it felt like it was simply out of order.   A debilitating morning sickness that left me with sciatica, constant pain due to a broken tailbone from the first delivery, an umbilical hernia that only further limits movements and constant coughing (thanks to having a toddler in nursery) means that every time I have a fit, all of the aforementioned injuries kick in AND I pee, like,...

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Skincare from the Farm to the Pram

They’re back. The stretch marks. That odd brown line with a name I can never remember – Linea Nigra (ok I may have googled it). And how can I not mention those bursts of red capillaries, which always make me think of tiny little fireworks announcing to the world I’m pregnant?   All these memorable pregnancy marks, which serve to remind me that my skin has a life of its own thanks to an insane amount of hormonal changes and increased blood circulation. Of course this isn’t my first time hosting another human being. You’d think the second time around I’d welcome the marks like a badge of honor, or appreciate the random artistry behind their capillaries much like a Jackson Pollack. But I still don’t.   In fact, similar to my first pregnancy, it was the first sign of chaos breaking out on my skin that reminded me it was high time to...

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Here We Go Again

For months, my life has been dominated by nausea. And before you think it, yes I’ve tried crackers, ginger and all sorts of natural and/or medical remedies. Yes, I know I’m blessed to be having a baby. No, vomiting does not make the nausea any better.   There’s nothing more frustrating than fulfilling that pissed off pregnant woman stereotype, however, when you’re vomiting anywhere from ten to 30 times a day and taking naps on the bathroom floor, it’s hard not to. And as lovely as it is for someone to empathize by relaying a story about that one weekend they had food poisoning, when you spend months getting awoken by vomit coming out of your mouth before the sun has risen, it’s a whole different ball game.   It can be hard to relate, I get it. Even I’d kind of forgotten the challenges of whipping up a bun in the oven after...

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Welcome To My Messy Motherhood

I always wondered why so many new mamas take up ‘the art of blogging’… and then I became pregnant.   I vomited 15 times a day for months and became so good at it, I did it while driving, one handed and without even wincing. I lost control of my body – so much so, it eventually became normal when I tinkled on my way to the bathroom. I gave birth while taking selfies and stroking my son’s hair as he entered the world. I cried so much during that ‘fourth trimester’ – half the time because I wasn’t sure if I’d made a mistake and half the time because I loved my son so much, it actually pained me. I got crapped on AND tasted someone else’s vomit for the first time after my baby puked right into my mouth… I loved him so much, it didn’t even taste that bad....

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