champion cleaners Tag

Cleaning like the Champs

If you’re a mother of a nutty toddler or perhaps even a group of adorable troublemakers, you’ve probably gotten used to a chaotic household with every item in it having some sort of stain. So when I was asked by Champion Cleaners if I’d like my stroller professionally cleaned before my number two arrives, I not only jumped at the offer, I asked if I could pop into the factory to watch. Yes, mamas, it was as good as it sounds.   Walking around the factory as everything got fixed, cleaned, pressed and organized was like a play date in an alternative universe where everything functioned in reverse and came out without applesauce on its face.   And yes, the stroller! My mush and I had spent the morning decorating it with markers, mustard, honey and all sorts of gucky condiments - after all, we had to see if they really could clean like...

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