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Cleaning like the Champs

If you’re a mother of a nutty toddler or perhaps even a group of adorable troublemakers, you’ve probably gotten used to a chaotic household with every item in it having some sort of stain. So when I was asked by Champion Cleaners if I’d like my stroller professionally cleaned before my number two arrives, I not only jumped at the offer, I asked if I could pop into the factory to watch. Yes, mamas, it was as good as it sounds.   Walking around the factory as everything got fixed, cleaned, pressed and organized was like a play date in an alternative universe where everything functioned in reverse and came out without applesauce on its face.   And yes, the stroller! My mush and I had spent the morning decorating it with markers, mustard, honey and all sorts of gucky condiments - after all, we had to see if they really could clean like...

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Stoked for Stokke – Eid Giveaway!

Once you become a mama, you realize that despite how tiny babies are, their stuff will inevitably invade your household. I quickly learned that it’s worth investing in baby gear that adapts to your munchkin for years to come. Sure it means forking over a bit more cash up front, but it also means saving long term and, as the furniture piles up, a whole lot less ‘crammage’.     With that said, I’m super stoked to be giving away Stokke’s best-selling Steps chair! It’s earned a reputation as a highchair for modern mamas and for good reason. Not only does it serve as a multi-functional and transformable base, but it also offers awesome support and its snazzy design allows your little ones to hang out with you at the dinner table from the time they’re born till they’re ready to go to school.   In combo with Stokke Steps’ most popular accessories – the...

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